* Free day trading E BOOK and video *

Keystone Trading Group is looking for traders to manage and actively trade our capital. Mentor with profitable traders, no risk deposit or experience necessary.

Get Free E Book and 60 minute video:
“How to find the best stocks to trade each day.” To receive these valuable trading tips simply click the link below.

In addition to the E book and video, you will receive:

triangles Information about how to join our team and trade firm capital

triangles The Keystone Trading Journal, our weekly electronic newsletter

triangles The 7 step mini course that will help you create the foundation of your trading plan

triangles The 50 minute preview video of our highly acclaimed training course Equity Trader 101

triangles The article archive: dozens of free articles of trading advice directly from our NYC office

triangles Ninety minute mentoring video

>>>>> CLICK HERE to receive these 7 free gifts to add to your day trading education.

Professional Traders

If you are an experienced stock trader with a documented and profitable stock trading track record for at least the last six months, Keystone Trading Group would be interested in discussing the possibility of partnering with you.

We will pass along to you our institutional day trading rates and buying power in exchange for a percentage of the monthly net trading profits. The goal for our day trading partnership is to help you take your trading to the next level. There will be no risk deposit required on your part and Keystone will absorb trading losses.

Apprentice Traders

If you are a break-even online stock trader or new to the business of day trading, Keystone Trading Group is searching for new talent to train, mentor and back with our capital.

We are looking for those that have a passion for trading, are hungry for success and are driven to take charge of their financial future.

—>>>> CLICK HERE to submit an application to trade firm capital. Click the GREEN BUTTON in the lower left corner. Please tell us a little about your trading background in the comments section.

  1. Donny Baker
    August 10, 2010 at 11:21 am

    Hello, I figure this is a long shot but here we go. I am about as new as they come to trading. I am 39 years old and realize I have got to do something to create my retirement solution and thought I would give trading a shot. I found a game on my phone that started me off $100,000 of virtual money. This was the first week of July 2010, and as of right now I have $617,005 in this game account.

    Shortly after starting the game account on my phone, I found one online with smarttrades.com which starts you off with $1,000,000. I thought with all the time I spent researching on my laptop, I would give this a shot as well. This was the second week of July 2010 and now I am sitting with $1,853,774.69 in this account.

    I realize these are games and I have a lot to learn. I started an account with choicetrade.com so I might start doing a bit of investing there. I don’t have a lot of money to put into the account right now, but I know I will do well once I can build up to the amount needed to day trade. (Will be a while.)

    I found your site while researching “Stock Trading Clubs” on the web. I thought that I would find a group of friends that wanted to learn the market and see what all we could do by pulling our money together and go from there. It might be a slow start but we could all invest a little and stand to make a lot. So far I have about fifteen people interested and now I am putting it all together.

    I hope this helps, as I said, I know this is a long shot but what does it hurt. I have screen shots of some of my trades in July and so far in August if you would like to see them. I have worked in Records Management in the Litigation and Government sectors since the late 90’s. During this time, trending has come very natural to me in regards to changes in the industry and shifts or swings of technology. The stocks I have focused on over the last thirty days have mostly been low priced (under $5 a share) but high volume and I have done this while working approximately 65 hours a week. I have decided to dedicate two days a month to trading, and the results have shown through.

    Thanks for your time and have a great week,

    Donny Baker

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